From My Trainer: New Year Nutrition Tips

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Manic:  The onslaught of calories, sugar and goodies that come with the holidays!  hats & cookiesMy pants are fitting a little tighter, proving that my Christmas calories and seasonal sugars have slipped through my lips and found their way to other parts of my body.

Managed: Not gonna lie.  Gonna enjoy New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day and then on Monday it is back to the business!  Time to return to eating well, exercising and getting back on a good sleep schedule.  And I know that without proper nutrition and good food choices I won’t see results and I won’t feel healthy.  So when my trainer, Carlos with Body By Design, emailed his clients these top tips, I asked him if I could share on my blog.  His recommended nutrition guidelines are easy to understand and not too hard to follow, so read on and strive to eat well in 2016.  Your body will thank you and you will feel good.  Food fuel is crucial and when that fuel is whole and healthy, our bodies take notice and thank us!  Here are Carlos’ top tips!

Carlos says:

with Carlos








1. Beware of your calories.

This one is very important. Consume too many calories and you will not lose weight!  Period.

For the first few weeks count your calories.  That way you have an idea of just how much you are consuming.  Then you can compare them to how much you are burning during the day.  There are numerous free apps to achieve daily calorie counting that enables each food and drink consumed to be logged.  The apps (like Fitbit or Livestrong, for example) do the calculating for you.  Here is an example of a Fitbit app and there are many others to chose from online. fitbit 2

2. Be repetitive on your food selection.

Eat the same foods, at the same time and the same amount, and your body will start speeding your metabolism.

Your body will know that you are giving it the same calories, proteins, carbs, sugars and fats. Your digestion will know that and it will digest your food much quicker, which speeds up your metabolism.

3. Eat more veggies.

Veggies are packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber and much more. veggies_sample_post_picAdding lots of veggies to all your meals will help your digestive  system and speed your metabolism as well.

4. Drink lots of water.

As soon as you wake up drink a full glass of water.  That will give you a head start on your hydration.  Hydration is a huge part of a healthy body.  l waterGreat for detox, helps your digestion, circulation, transports nutrients and much more.

5. Must have lean proteins.

Stay with lean protein like chicken, turkey, fish, isolate protein. salmonProtein promotes muscle repair & growth. Protein also saves calories.

6. Eliminate starchy carbs on your last meal.

Cut back on your starchy carbs on your dinner meal and you will burn fat while you sleep. Eating starchy carbs at your last daily meal is one of the worst things you could do to your body. Remember your body starts slowing down as it gets closer to the evening and your energy levels are very low so you don’t burn as many calories. So no carbs in the night PERIOD!

7. Plan and Prepare

Probably one of the most common excuses I hear for not eating healthy is “I don’t have time” and you have to make time.

Time is a gift...make time to give yourself the gift of good health.

Time is a gift…make time to give yourself the gift of good health.

This is so important to your success in losing weight. You can do it before you go to bed or do what I do….I get up 1/2 hour earlier in the mornings and I cook all my meals for the day. I keep it simple and I cook fast. Everything is in portion control, repetitive and healthy.

8. Clean your pantry!

If it’s in the house…you will eat it! So clean your pantry and get rid off everything that is tempting!

Doing these few tips will help you reach your weight-loss goals.

Thank you Carlos!   After receiving this tips from you, I now start my day with a full glass of water before my cup of coffee and I am working on cleaning out my pantry, among some of your other tips, too.

From Carlos and from myself, we wish all of you a happy and healthy 2016!!



About Carlos Monge, Professional & Personal Trainer & Owner of Body By Design:


Carlos Monge, personal trainer and longtime owner of Body By Design.  Carlos has been certified through the Baylor Sports Medicine Institute in Post Rehabilitative Training and Pre/Post Natal Personal Training. 

With more than 3 decades of experience, Carlos is able to develop safe exercise programs for his clients to improve their physical appearance and health while increasing their energy, self-confidence and overall wellness.

Carlos has had clients as young at 14 and as young-at-heart, as 76.  Other clients include professional athletes, working professionals, stay-at-home moms and retirees.