Yoga Hammock Flyoga Inversion Techniques

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Roman returns this week with a video featuring one of his talented yoga instructors, Alexandra and her flyoga inversions is really something to see.  I’ve got to get over to Roman’s new studio, RA Yoga and try one of these hammock classes!  As I watched, I could almost feel the wonderful stretch myself!

So take a look and do yourself a favor and try a yoga hammock class!  And if you do or already have, let us know in the comments section about your yoga hammock experience.  Roman says that the yoga hammock is a terrific tool for a safe yoga experience.  That sounds good to me.  So take a look at this week’s yoga video, compliments of Roman and Alexandra!


About Roman Acevedo,  Yoga Instructor:

Learn Roman’s yoga poses for more flexibility and fitness and less stress. 
Roman has practiced yoga for 11 years to increase flexibility, build strength and invite meditation into his busy daily life and rigorous work schedule. He finds yoga to be beneficial in restoring peace in any stressful environment and continues his studies with Scott Page, David Miliotis and local instructors throughout the valley. Part of his dharma yoga practice is giving, which he does through his Ra-Yoga studio that gives free yoga/aerial yoga, and through ra-Apparel, his fashion house with an uncompromising buy-one, give-one program clothing under-served children in the community. Made in Downtown Phoenix AZ.  He enjoys hiking in the mountains with his dog, Raja and photographing his environment.

For more information visit:

Read more about Roman on our team bio page.